
Music Blog, Reviews, Rising Stars & Superstars


3 min read

If you look at our society now, it’s plagued with violence, injustice and fear. Oppressors doing everything to kill every souls dream, truths being manipulated and fed with lies and how power has become a parasite to the society instead of being a savior. This message is what’s entailed in the single titled “Crowland” by the fictional band 9 o’clock Nasty. It’s a dark and provocative song that take listeners to this terrifying atmosphere filled with pain, anguish, violence and the desire to not even be there coupled with a troubling society.

Now this song opens with this alarming melody that creates this clear image and replica of Crowland, a place where progress is limited and feels like you’re stuck in life, a place that feels like you’re living in 3000 years ago, television channels are blocked and controlled, and people in power tell you what to do and what not to, like you don’t have the freedom. This is the kind of world some of us are living in. A community infested with people hungry for power and doesn’t even care about the people or the society. They only think about their belly and the worth they can acquire while shutting down any body that will rise against them. The songs lyrics touches on themes of oppression, disillusionment, and the manipulation of truth, painting a bleak portrait of a society plagued by violence and fear. Then as the song goes on you hear lines like “what’s down is up, stay down” hinting at the abuse of power the power dynamics at play. This is the kinda world we are experiencing and the song is shedding light on it, not many may see it or feel what’s going on. What I love about the song is it’s gritty and evocative exploration of a terrifying society, where oppression and control reign supreme. It’s a beautiful song that lay emphasis on the atrocities and violence our societies are facing nowadays, and all being down to the people in power. Greediness and the thirst for power filled with deceit killing our societies. The song comes with an intensified beats that tells a lot about the urgency of the songs message and that’s something lovely. To be able to create beats that matches the songs theme and actually help the listener to relate to the matter at hand is what we call talent and creativity. So kudos to 9 O’Clock Nasty for such an amazing song.

Well this song “Crowland” ain’t just any song, it’s a powerful and thought-provoking piece of music that asks listeners to ponder on themes of power, control, and societal decay. With its distorting guitars, driving drums and intensity, I say this is one hell of a masterpiece. The lyrics, delivery and the energy coupled with marvelous beats to match the song’s atmosphere, I say this is a must-listen song that deserves your attention. So go ahead and give this song a good listen and let’s save our society. Have a wonderful weekend and ENJOY!! Make sure to check them out on the links below for more;





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