
Music Blog, Reviews, Rising Stars & Superstars


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If you’re a fan of music that has lyrics that really touches your heart then you’ve probably heard of the name “Matt DeAngelis“. I say Matt is basically the Shakespeare of music. He’s lyrically gifted and in every song he makes, after listening to the entire song, his lyrics will have you thinking like you never have done before. Of all the songs Matt DeAngelis has released, his latest track “All Good Things”, is literally the best song he has ever worked on that’s what I think and yes rightly so.

“All Good Things” was recorded at Gradwell House and Musically Speaking Studios, engineered by Tom Conran and Billy Kennedy and produced by Matt DeAngelis, Billy Kennedy, and John DeAngelis. When Matt started writing this song, he actually wanted it to talk about how our childhood ends, how we start our lives as adults and the challenges, changes and difficulties we go through in that time but as he was writing, he started thinking and decided to also let “All Good Things” talk about the nature and cycle of life as well and to be honest I think he did a great job by add the latter to the song. It enriched the lyrics and the song itself adding extra toppings and flavor to an already good meal.

Why did I say that? The lyrics of the song also talks about finding your way through life. It explores the decisions we make as we grow and the changes that comes our way along the line. As the song goes on, Matt tells us how beautiful the journey of life is and how we are to embrace it and try our very best to get through the tough times and treasure every moment of it because All Good Things must come to and end. Life can’t be life if we only expect all the good things all the time cos it can hit us hard right back. So we ought to embrace every moment and hold onto it, never giving up and fight through the struggles but above all don’t forget to enjoy the good things cos they all come to an end.

The beats of the song, the lyrics , the delivery and the storytelling are a solid, imma give it a 10/10 but that’s just me and it’s why I say go listen to it and see if I’m wrong or not. This song perfectly tells us how the future is unknown and that whatever you’re going through will surely end, difficult times? Good times? They will all end so make it count! As Matt DeAngelis himself puts it, “While the future may seem frightening and unknown, especially in the times we are currently living, we can acknowledge that while your current situation will eventually come to an end, there will always be a tomorrow.”

“All Good Things” is definitely what you need if you’re going through anything in life right now. This is a song that calms you down and let’s you know that whatever you’re going through will come to end and there’s always a new beginning.So go ahead and give “All Good Things” a listen because it definitely deserves a spot on your playlist. Above all make sure to check out these links below to enjoy more from Matt;







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